The Peace Agency is a Durban-based, umbrella NPO for several projects focused on alleviating the plight of orphans and vulnerable children.
Over the past decade, we have set up numerous Baby Homes and/or Child Care Centres – places of love, care and safety for abandoned and orphaned babies, babies given up for adoption and children in need of day care and early childhood development.
A number of these places of safety have gone on to register their own NGO’s and now run independently enabling us to further our reach.
Currently, The Peace Agency runs and The Baby Home based in Durban North.
We also run and administer a creche in the Hammarsdale area, called The Hammarsdale Child Care Centre.
We have recently launched BabyLine – a counselling and support service for at-risk mothers.
The Peace Agency was founded in 2010 and is registered as an NPO with the Department of Social Development, and as a PBO with SARS. We are a Level 1 B-BBEE contributor.
